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Below are the listed trainings as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. The first category of training, “Annual Employee Training,” provides information on the required training employees are prompted to complete at the beginning of each academic year. The trainings that are listed by year represent trainings that staff members who are/were involved in the institution’s response to sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual violence and discrimination on the basis of sex.

For each year, the date of the training, the title of the training, and the attendees can be viewed. If anyone would like to review the materials utilized in these trainings, that individual should reach out to the College’s current Title IX Coordinator, Leilani Decena-Shepherd, through email communication ([email protected][email protected]) or telephone (302-225-6305).

After August 14, 2020, the training materials for all trainings that took place after this date will also be published in addition to the information found for previous trainings. Additionally, training attendees beyond August 14, 2020, will account for potential hearing board members who sit on the Judicial Board for Student Matters. When hearing boards are created for institutional investigations surrounding reports of sexual misconduct, as hearing boards will be comprised of a selection from these staff members.

The College’s structure for handling these incidents has changed over time. From 2014 through July 2017, two Title IX Co-Coordinators were responsible for receiving reports of sexual misconduct and initiating the institutional response. From July 2017 to present day, the College has had a Title IX Coordinator and at least one Title IX Deputy Coordinator. The number of investigators that were reported at the time of the training can be found under the “Attendees” column (i.e. “2 out of 4 appointed investigators” indicates a total of four investigators were appointed as such at the time of the training and that two investigators attended the training). In December of 2019, the College contracted with third-party investigators, whose training is handled by their company. Therefore, beyond December 2019, the College did not manage nor handle the training of investigators, nor were any staff members serving as appointed investigators. College staff who were previously identified as investigators were transitioned to serve as potential hearing board members and currently sit as a subset of the Judicial Board for Student Matters. In 2021, the College hired a Title IX Deputy Coordinator to replace the previously appointed one.

From January 1, 2022, through May 15, 2022, the College employed one Title IX Coordinator, one Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and five potential hearing board members. On May 16, 2022, the College appointed an additional Title IX Deputy Coordinator who was selected from the potential hearing board members. From May 16, 2022, through November 30, 2022, the College employed one Title IX Coordinator, two Title IX Deputy Coordinators and four potential hearing board members.

As of December 1, 2022, the two Title IX Deputy Coordinators were moved to be potential hearing board members, the Title IX Coordinator was re-designated as a Title IX Deputy Coordinator and one of the previous investigators was appointed as the Title IX Coordinator. Currently, the College employs one Title IX Coordinator, one Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and five potential hearing board members.

Annual Employee Training

Currently, the College conducts annual training through the NeoGov platform with different modules designated for various areas of training. The Title IX, The Clery Act and VAWA module covers compliance with Title IX, the Clery Act, and VAWA – the laws that protect employees and students from sexual violence and discrimination. Learning outcomes include recognition of sexual violence and discrimination and knowing appropriate responses when a student or employee reports an incident of sexual violence or discrimination. The Harassment Prevention module teaches employees to recognize and avoid harassing behaviors in the workplace as well as to take action to prevent harassment – including sexual harassment and retaliation. This module is Compliant with SB 360 training requirements.

Previously, the College utilized the 360 Stay Safe training platform, Building a GBC Community Training, to train all staff, faculty, and contracted employees. The Employee Module has a 20-minute video discussing the Clery Act and VAWA, what needs to be reported and to whom reports must be made. The video was followed by five multiple choice questions; employees must have received an 80 or higher on this assessment for the training to be considered complete. All employees of the College also received a Sexual Misconduct Obligation to Report form at their hire meeting. A Human Resources representative explained that, as a responsible employee, they are obligated to report any knowledge or perceived knowledge of a violation related to sexual misconduct, harassment, gender discrimination, retaliation or other sex-based or gender-based behaviors, including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. All employees, with the exception of student workers, were required to sign the Sexual Misconduct Obligation to Report form at this meeting to document their understanding of this obligation.

Student workers complete the Building a GBC Community Training module for students.


Date Training Attendees
6/8 Establishing Title IX and Campus SaVE Act Compliance Strategies on Campus Webinar Title IX Co-Coordinators
7/21 – 7/22 Title IX Investigator Training School and Certificate Course Conference Title IX Co-Coordinators & 2 of 4 appointed investigators
7/28 Rapid Response Webinar: Analyzing and Discussing the Recently Released FAQs from DoE on the Title IX DCL Title IX Co-Coordinators
8/15 Policy Institute Conference at Cabrini College: Sexual and Cyber Misconduct Title IX Co-Coordinators
8/20 Title IX Coordinator Training Course by National Association of College and University Attorneys Webinar #1 Title IX Co-Coordinators & 2 of 4 appointed investigators
9/10 Title IX Coordinator Training Course by National Association of College and University Attorneys Webinar #2 Title IX Co-Coordinators & 2 of 4 appointed investigators
9/24 Title IX Coordinator Training Course by National Association of College and University Attorneys Webinar #3 Title IX Co-Coordinators & 2 of 4 appointed investigators
9/24 Title IX Coordinator Training Full Seminar by National Association of College and University Attorneys Title IX Co-Coordinators
11/17 CACC SWA Title IX Seminar at Georgian Court College by OCR Title IX Co-Coordinators


Date Training Attendees
8/26, 8/27 & 8/31 Goldey-Beacom College Title IX Coordinator and Investigator Training Title IX Co-Coordinators
9/27 In-House Training from TIX Co-Coordinator relaying content from previous trainings Other Title IX Co-Coordinator and 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
10/15 Distributed ATIXA Documents for individual reading, followed with 2016 training detailed below 3 out of 5 appointed investigators
11/12 Transgender Students on Campus: Serve, Protect & Retain your Gender Nonconforming Students Webinar A Title IX Co-Coordinator & 2 out of 5 appointed investigators


Date Training Attendees
4/20 Title IX: Key Issues Surrounding Institutional Compliance webinar A Title IX Co-Coordinator & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
5/12 Conducting Title IX investigations: Review of ATIXA Documents by Presented by a Title IX Co-Coordinator Title IX Co-Coordinator & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
5/26 Conducting Title IX investigations: Review of ATIXA Documents by Presented by a Title IX Co-Coordinator Title IX Co-Coordinator & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
5/26 The Clery Act: Strategic Planning to Mitigate Institutional Risk webinar A Title IX Co-Coordinator & 4 out of 5 appointed investigators
6/6 Conducting Title IX investigations: Review of ATIXA Documents by Presented by a Title IX Co-Coordinator Title IX Co-Coordinator & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
6/8 Conducting Title IX investigations: Review of ATIXA Documents by Presented by a Title IX Co-Coordinator Title IX Co-Coordinator & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
6/8 Conducting Title IX investigations: Review of ATIXA Documents by Presented by a Title IX Co-Coordinator Title IX Co-Coordinator & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators
10/25 – 10/26 Title IX Coordinator/Investigator Class at University of Delaware through D. Stafford & Associates Title IX Co-Coordinators & 6 out of 6 appointed investigators


Date Training Attendees
2/14 A Campus-Wide Approach to Sexual Assault Prevention webinar Title IX Co-Coordinators & 2 out of 6 appointed investigators
2/21 “There’s No One I Can Trust” Rethinking Mandatory Reporting webinar A Title IX Co-Coordinator
4/4 The Intersection of the Clery Act (VAWA) and Title IX: Implications for Sexual Misconduct Complaints and Institutional Response webinar Title IX Co-Coordinators & 3 out of 6 appointed investigators
5/9 Technology Used to Commit Violations and Technology Used to Investigate Violations webinar A Title Ix Co-Coordinator & 6 out of 7 appointed investigators
7/19 – 7/21 4th Annual NACCOP Conference Title IX Coordinator


Date Training Attendees
2/1 Title IX Boot Camp Session I: The Role and Responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator: Protect Your Students and School by Understanding the Many Requirements Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, & 6 out of 6 appointed investigators
2/8 Title IX Boot Camp Session II: Title IX And Athletics: Understanding the Complexities Will Help You Avoid Liability Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, & 6 out of 6 appointed investigators
2/15 Title IX Boot Camp Session III: Title IX Requirements Regarding Pregnant and Parenting Students: What Every College and University Needs to Know Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, & 6 out of 6 appointed investigators
4/3 Sexual Harassment Training for Supervisors Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, & 2 out of 6 appointed investigators
7/30 ASSIST Suicide First Aid Training Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, & 6 out of 6 appointed investigators
10/9 – 10/10 Title IX Class at Wilmington University through D. Stafford & Associates Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, & 5 out of 5 appointed investigators


Date Training Attendees
3/26 In-House Training “Refresher” from Title IX Coordinator Title IX Deputy Coordinator & 2 out of 5 appointed investigators
8/6 – 8/8 D. Stafford & Associates Sex-Crimes Investigations Course Title IX Coordinator
9/19 Introduction to Title IX and Investigating Title IX Incidents from Title IX Coordinator 2 out of 6 appointed investigators
9/19 Relaying relevant information and strategies from D. Stafford & Associates Sex-Crimes Investigations Course from Title IX Coordinator Title IX Deputy Coordinator & 6 out of 6 appointed investigators


Date Training Attendees
3/26 Training the Trainer: Sexual Harassment Prevention Presented by DCA Title IX Coordinator
5/11 Discussing the Title IX Final Rule webinar through ACE Title IX Coordinator
5/14 Rapid Response Webinar: Understanding the Title IX Final Rule and Its Impact Title IX Coordinator
5/26 – 5/27 D. Stafford & Associates Class on Title IX Final Rule Title IX Coordinator
6/10 Surviving the New Title IX Regulations: How To Develop New Policies and Navigate the Cross-Examination Requirements Presented by Cohen Segalias Title IX Coordinator
7/22 – 7/24 7th Annual NACCOP Conference Title IX Coordinator
10/8 Sexual Misconduct Decision Maker Class Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and 8 out of 13 members of the Judicial Board on Student Matters


Date Training Attendees
8/01 – 11/30 Title IX, the Clery and VAWA NeoGov Modules Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and 5 out of 6 potential hearing board members
8/01 – 11/30 Harassment Prevention Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and 5 out of 6 potential hearing board members


Date Training Attendees
4/12 9 on 9: How to Conduct a Proper Complainant Intake Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and 5 out of 5 potential hearing board members
5/17 9 on 9: Crystal Ball-What the Future Holds for the Title IX Regulations Title IX Coordinator, 2 Title IX Deputy Coordinators, and 2 out of 4 potential hearing board members
6/21 9 on 9: Should We Update Our Policies Mid-Year? Pros and Cons and the Impact on Related Policies, Procedures and Publications” (no handouts provided) Title IX Coordinator, 2 Title IX Deputy Coordinators, and 3 out of 4 potential hearing board members
7/12 9 on 9: What We Learned: Lessons and Trends form Another Year of Investigating 1 out of 4 potential hearing board members
8/25 9 on 9: Media and Sexual Misconduct: How it Creates Social Norms, Influences Behavior, and Impacts Our Work Title IX Coordinator, 1 Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and 1 out of 4 potential hearing board members
9/20 9 on 9: What Impact Did the Participation Update Have on Live-Hearings? Title IX Coordinator and 1 Title IX Deputy Coordinator
10/14 – 11/30 Title IX, the Clery and VAWA NeoGov Modules Title IX Coordinator, 2 Title IX Deputy Coordinators, and 4 out of 4 potential hearing board members
10/14 – 11/30 Harassment Prevention Title IX Coordinator, 2 Title IX Deputy Coordinators, and 4 out of 4 potential hearing board members
10/18 The Impact of Title IX Work on Title IX Coordinators and Investigators” (no handouts provided) 1 Title IX Deputy Coordinator, and 2 out of 4 potential hearing board members

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