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Undergraduate Scholarships

Institutional Scholarships

At Goldey-Beacom College, we are committed to making quality education affordable for all students. For this reason, Goldey-Beacom College offers a multitude of scholarships that significantly reduce tuition costs for new and returning students. On average, undergraduate students receive 50% in scholarships and tuition assistance from the College. The College’s tuition assistance program comprises the following:

Joseph West Jones ($5,000)

The Joseph West Jones merit scholarship is the largest merit scholarship an undergraduate student can receive. With an annual award amount of $5,000, this scholarship can significantly reduce an undergraduate student’s tuition costs.

As a student who wants to graduate debt free, the Joseph West Jones Merit Scholarship has blessed my life by being able to pay a significant portion of what is now my low tuition, and now I can pay out of pocket very comfortably while I gladly and peacefully gain my education through GBC with this very beneficial scholarship!

Karla, Class of 2025


GBC Academic Recognition Scholarship ($4,000)

The GBC Academic Recognition merit scholarship is the second largest merit scholarship an undergraduate student can receive. With an annual award amount of $4,000, this scholarship can meaningfully reduce an undergraduate student’s tuition costs.

The GBC Academic Recognition Scholarship means a lot to me. Receiving this scholarship not only makes it easier for me to pay for school as an international student but also shows that hard work in academics pays off, and being rewarded with this is an honor I will always be grateful for.

Macy, Class of 2025

As a student here at Goldey-Beacom, my GBC Academic Recognition Scholarship means a ton to me. This scholarship proves that my hard work and dedication to my academic studies are recognized, and I am grateful for what the institution rewards us.

Siovahn, Class of 2026

GBC Scholarship ($2,000)

The GBC Scholarship merit scholarship is the third largest merit scholarship an undergraduate student can receive. With an annual award amount of $2,000, this scholarship can help make your Goldey-Beacom College education affordable.

As a mother of two under the age of 8, paying for college is extremely difficult. Goldey’s unique scholarships allowed me to chase my dreams that I assumed were unattainable. Thank you so much!

VanQuasia, Class of 2025

A portrait of Cierra in commencement regalia and a Goldey-Beacom College sweater

I knew that I was going to have to pay for school by myself, and I also knew that this wasn’t going to be my last degree. The merit scholarship was literally a game-changer. I was able to come to GBC and graduate and have no student debt attached to my name. And now I’m getting my master’s and still have no debt.

Cierra – Temecula, California, Class of 2021 and 2023

Non-Merit Scholarships

In addition to our merit scholarships, Goldey-Beacom College also offers non-merit scholarships. Certain non-merit scholarships require specific criteria, so be sure to check with the Admissions Office to see if you qualify for these scholarships.

Alpha Beta Gamma Scholarship

The Alpha Beta Gamma Scholarship fund is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarship for members of Alpha Beta Gamma.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.25 or higher cumulative college grade point average and a member of Alpha Betta Gamma.

Anne Kneaval Alpha Chi Scholarship

Alpha Chi is the national honor society on Goldey-Beacom Campus. The Ann Kneavel Alpha Chi scholarship award is granted annually to a member of Alpha Chi who demonstrates both superior academic achievement and exceptional commitment to Alpha Chi and Goldey-Beacom College. This award celebrates the illustrious 29-year career of Professor Ann Kneavel, who helped establish the GBC chapter of Alpha Chi in 1984, and her deep commitment to the principles of Alpha Chi.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

BPA Scholarship

The BPA Scholarship fund is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarship for members of Business Professionals of America.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: Member of Business Professionals of America.

Delaware Futures Scholarship

In recognition of the promise for outstanding achievement in academics for student participants in the Delaware Futures Program, Goldey-Beacom College desires to provide an annual scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to Delaware Futures Program graduates, with a minimum high school grade point average of a 2.5, who enroll as full-time students in the undergraduate program at Goldey-Beacom College. In practice, $500 will be awarded in the Fall semester and $500 will be awarded in the Spring semester.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: Graduate of the Delaware Futures Program with a 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Family Tuition Savings Plan

A special tuition discount is available to families where two or more immediate family members (husband, wife, and tax-dependent children) are enrolled concurrently at Goldey-Beacom College in a degree program. The tuition credit is approximately a five percent tuition savings applicable for all semesters. Please discuss your Family Tuition Savings Plan eligibility with the Financial Aid Office. Some documentation may be necessary to receive the tuition discount.

Thanks for making my dream a reality while my son completes his next level of education at GBC!  We are both creating a better future for ourselves with the help of Goldey-Beacom!  Thank you!

Kelley, Class of 2024

FYE Peer Mentorship Scholarship

Students serving as a First Year Experience Peer Mentor can receive a $1,500 scholarship.

Awarding Party: Director of Academic Support Services

The Peer Mentorship Scholarship is more than just financial aid; it symbolizes resilience, determination, and unwavering support. Through the Peer Mentorship Scholarship, I am not just a student but a leader, a motivator, and a catalyst for change.

Rhian, Class of 2025

“The perfect example of a rewarding scholarship is The FYE Peer Mentor Scholarship. The individuals receiving it are most qualified to guide all first-year students through initial struggles and challenges!” 

Brielle, Class of 2025

GBC Red Clay Scholarship

The GBC Red Clay Scholarship fund is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarship for students who graduated from the Red Clay Consolidated School District in Delaware. If a student receives a merit scholarship, the merit scholarship replaces the GBC Red Clay Scholarship. 

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Junior Achievement Scholarship

The Junior Achievement Scholarship is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarship for students who have participated in Junior Achievement.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average. Student must have participated in the Junior Achievement program.

Legacy Fund

The Legacy Fund is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarship for students whose family member attended Goldey-Beacom College.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average.

The Legacy Scholarship was a reason I did not have to take a loan out for schooling because it made my education affordable at Goldey.

Julia, Class of 2025

Military Tuition Assistance Scholarship

Active-duty service members eligible for Tuition Assistance (TA) in a DoD-approved College program that meets the College’s Standards of Academic Progress are eligible for this scholarship. TA allows for $250 per credit hour for any course required in the student’s degree program; for a three-credit course, the tuition assistance paid is $750. This scholarship brings the cost of the class down to the eligible tuition rate, which DoD will pay for TA. The College is required to bill the DoD through the appropriate platform to receive payment.

Awarding Party: Financial Aid Office/School Certifying Official (SCO)

Miss Delaware Scholarship

The Miss Delaware Scholarship is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarships for students who have participated in the Miss Delaware pageant.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office
Awarding Criteria: Participation in the Miss Delaware pageant.

Paul R. Brown Scholarship

This scholarship, in the amount of $2,000, was established in honor of Paul R. Brown, past President of Goldey-Beacom College and responsible for attaining the College’s accreditation and moving the campus from Wilmington to its present location in Pike Creek.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

The Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship fund is a Goldey-Beacom funded scholarship for members of Phi Theta Kappa.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.25 or higher college cumulative grade point average and a member of Phi Theta Kappa.

The Phi Theta Kappa scholarship is the opportunity to carry on the academic journey many of us scholarship recipients began years ago at a two-year college. Without the PTK scholarship, my education would’ve likely ended with an associate’s degree, forgoing my dream of pursuing a bachelor’s.  This scholarship represents bringing bright minds from some of the smallest, farthest corners of the world together to continue their high educational tract. 

Jonathan, Class of 2025

Promise for Succes Fund

The Promise for Success Fund is a scholarship fund for students displaying aptitude for future academic successes based on their academic record.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Awarding Preference: The award recipient must be a non-athlete.

SAGE Scholars

Goldey-Beacom College is a partner in the SAGE Scholars Tuition Rewards Program. Eligible students may receive a tuition discount at Goldey-Beacom College when they submit their SAGE points. SAGE points cannot exceed the College’s cost of attendance.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office/Financial Aid Office

The SAGE Scholars scholarship means a great deal to me because it allows me to concentrate on my academics and athletics without focusing on the financial burden of college. 

Kaitlyn, Class of 2026


Strike Scholarship

A student who volunteers to be the official school mascot can receive a tuition scholarship of $1,000 for the academic year.

Awarding Party: Student Affairs Office

The Joyce E. Jones Graduate Scholarship

This award honors Joyce E. Jones and her remarkable service to Goldey-Beacom College. During her career, she held numerous posts including assistant professor, department chair, and vice president, and, most important, founder of the MBA program. This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in any graduate program who presents strong academic qualifications and strong potential for excelling in a business career.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

The Leonard W. Quill Memorial Scholarship

This $1000 scholarship is awarded annually to a new or returning student demonstrating financial need who is planning a career in finance, banking, or accounting.  This award celebrates the remarkable career of Leonard W. Quill, retired President of Wilmington Trust Company, long-time friend of Goldey-Beacom College, and Trustee from 1993 to 2007.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average.

Award Preference: Preference will be given to a student who is planning a career in finance, banking, or accounting.

Welcome Back to GBC Scholarship

Students returning to complete their undergraduate or graduate degree after a leave of absence may receive a tuition scholarship of $1,000. An undergraduate student completing their undergraduate degree may only receive this scholarship if they are part-time or do not qualify for a merit scholarship. Graduate students need to enroll in at least six credit hours to receive scholarship assistance.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

This scholarship has allowed me to complete what I started a few years ago. I want to honor my mother’s memory and show my children that finishing what you started is important. I have a daughter and want to show her that dreams come true!

Stephanie, Class of 2027

West End Neighborhood House Scholarship

This $1,000 tuition scholarship is available to West End Neighborhood House students. This scholarship fund offers financial assistance to deserving individuals pursuing higher education, fostering educational advancement and community development. Award recipients must enroll full-time in an undergraduate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average or GED equivalent.

Awarding Preference: The award recipient is a non-athlete.

Yellow Ribbon Program

The Yellow Ribbon Program provides VA Benefits students a tuition assistance match of 50%. A School Certifying Official (SCO) will determine a student’s eligibility for this scholarship.

Awarding Party: Financial Aid Office/SCO

Annually Funded and Endowed Scholarships

Thanks to our generous donors, Goldey-Beacom College offers a variety of annually funded and endowed scholarships. A list of Goldey-Beacom College’s annually funded and endowed scholarships is available for your viewing pleasure in the next section. Certain scholarships require specific criteria, so check with the Admissions Office to see if you qualify for any of our scholarships. All annually funded and endowed scholarships have a limit for the number of scholarships awarded. To ensure the College promotes affordability to as many students as possible, a student may only receive one scholarship from the list of scholarships below. The Admissions or Scholarship Committee makes all final awarding decisions. Not all students will receive an annually funded or endowed scholarship.

Annually Funded and Endowed Scholarships include:

Alden Presidential Scholarship

A limited number of Presidential Scholarships for tuition are awarded to undergraduate students entering any baccalaureate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

The Alden Presidential Scholarship has given me good support and the opportunity to focus on my studies and personal goals without financial stress. It has increased my confidence as I can pursue my dreams.

Rachel, Class of 2027

A. Raymond Jackson

A. Raymond Jackson first established this scholarship fund in May 1979. The A. Raymond Jackson scholarship is in the amount of $2,000 and is awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement as a high school student and who desires to pursue further academic studies.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative GPA.


A. Raymond Jackson Kiwanis Club Scholarship

Established in 2023, the A. Raymond Jackson Kiwanis Club Scholarships honors the rich legacies of A. Raymond Jackson and the Kiwanis Club of Wilmington, Delaware. For over 100 years, the Kiwanis Club of Wilmington, Delaware, followed this acronym as their mission and motto: Kiwanis Is Where A Need Is Served.

This scholarship fund will follow that acronym’s message by awarding funds to needy students who display needs in technology, books, and course materials. Award amounts are variable.

Awarding Party: Financial Aid Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average.

Alumni Association Scholarship

Funded each year by the Goldey-Beacom alumni association, this scholarship is awarded to a student in any undergraduate degree program who demonstrates scholastic achievement, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Alumni Presidential Scholarship

A limited number of Presidential Scholarships for tuition are awarded to undergraduate students entering any baccalaureate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Anne Teipelke Scholarship

Anne Quillen Teipelke ’56 was the third woman in Delaware to be awarded the CPA, former President of the Delaware State CPAs, member of the Board of the American Institute of CPAs, and many additional non-profit boards. This scholarship is awarded to a returning undergraduate student majoring in Accounting or Finance, who demonstrates solid academic performance. The recipient must be from the tri-state area of Delaware, Maryland or Pennsylvania and demonstrates hard work, academic strength by maintaining a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA.  Most important, the recipient will demonstrate the same discipline and integrity which characterized the remarkable career of Anne Quillen Teipelke.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Bank of America Scholarship

The Bank of America scholarship is in the amount of $2,000 and is awarded to a domestic student who is a resident of Delaware.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.8 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Beneficial Presidential Scholarship

A limited number of Presidential Scholarships for tuition are awarded to undergraduate students entering any baccalaureate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Blades Scholarship

A graduate from the eastern shore of Maryland has left a legacy in the form of an academic scholarship at Goldey-Beacom College. Students residing in the eastern shore of Maryland with a 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average may qualify for this scholarship assistance.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Awarding Preference: Resident of the eastern shore of Maryland.

Carl B. and Josephine M. Baldt

President – Emeritus William R. Baldt and his wife Sheila C. Baldt, and other family members established this scholarship in 1985 in honor of Mr. Baldt’s parents. This scholarship is awarded to a junior year student who plans to pursue a career in banking.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Coca Cola Presidential Scholarship

A limited number of Presidential Scholarships for tuition are awarded to undergraduate students entering any baccalaureate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

David B. Craig Jr. Endowed Internship Fund

Created in 2022, this internship scholarship commemorates the life and career of David B. Craig Jr. He was 86 at the time of his passing and generously left half of his estate to his alma mater, Goldey-Beacom College.

Mr. Craig graduated from Goldey-Beacom College in 1952 with a B.S. in Accounting. After serving in the US Army, he became employed with Sloan Management as their accountant – a position he held for over 50 years. In 1982, he was inducted into the GBC Distinguished Alumni Gallery.

This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student in an undergraduate degree program for on or off campus paid semester-long internship opportunities for students.

The recipient must demonstrate discipline, drive and a commitment to learning – all qualities that defined Mr. Craig. The recipient must also demonstrate strong academic potential, coupled with considerable financial need as well as a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to receive this highly esteemed scholarship.

The internship scholarship is awarded annually to four students at $2,000 each.

Awarding Party: Financial Aid Office

The David B. Craig Jr. Endowed Internship Fund allowed me to afford to pursue my career path by helping cover part of my expenses, giving me the freedom to focus on achieving my goals.

Meghan, Class of 2025

David B. Craig Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund

Created in 2022, this scholarship commemorates the life and career of David B. Craig Jr. He was 86 at the time of his passing and generously left half of his estate to his alma mater, Goldey-Beacom College.

Mr. Craig graduated from Goldey-Beacom College in 1952 with a B.S. in Accounting. After serving in the US Army, he became employed with Sloan Management as their accountant – a position he held for over 50 years. In 1982, he was inducted into the GBC Distinguished Alumni Gallery.

This renewable tuition scholarship is awarded to a full-time student in an undergraduate degree program. The recipient must demonstrate discipline, drive and a commitment to learning – all qualities that defined Mr. Craig.

The recipient must also demonstrate strong academic potential, coupled with considerable financial need as well as a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to receive this highly esteemed scholarship.

The scholarship is awarded annually to four students at $2,000 each.


Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Diane S. Levin Memorial Scholars Fund

Established in 2008 by her friends and family, this scholarship honors the remarkable career of Diane S. Levin, a long-time Trustee, committed friend of the college, and champion of education. Mrs. Levin was co-founder of Happy Harry’s Pharmacies and the Delaware Kidney Fund, and tirelessly served as a community volunteer to improve the lives of all Delawareans.

This scholarship is awarded to a new or returning student in any degree program who may be planning a career in marketing or management. Preference will be given to students who show the personal strength, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to career excellence exemplified by Mrs. Levin.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

The Goldey-Beacom College Alumni Association has established a tuition scholarship to be awarded to an undergraduate student entering any associate or bachelor’s degree program, who has an alumni association with the College.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.75 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to students with an alumni association of the College.

Dr. Clarence A. Fulmer Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a student entering their senior year. The recipient must be enrolled full-time in any bachelor’s degree program and demonstrate outstanding leadership in any college-related endeavor.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Dr. Javed Gilani Scholarship

Established in 2018 through the generous gift of Dr. Javed Gilani, this renewable tuition scholarship is awarded to a full-time international student in an undergraduate business degree program.  The recipient must demonstrate strong academic potential, coupled with considerable financial need.  He or she should demonstrate discipline, drive, and commitment to learning exemplified by the remarkable life and career of Dr. Gilani.   A long-time friend of the College, Dr. Gilani served for many years as a Trustee and advisor to the institution.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to international students.

This scholarship is a symbol of inspiration. It motivates me to uphold values of discipline and drive as I pursue my studies; it makes me continue working hard and keep my grades up to demonstrate that I earned the scholarship for the right reasons.

Sofía, Class of 2025

DuPont Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate student enrolled in an information technology degree program. The recipient must demonstrate academic achievement by maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Esther S. Marshall Scholarship

The Esther S. Marshall Charitable Trust established this scholarship in 1983 to honor Esther S. Marshall. In choosing the scholarship recipients, the College will give preference to any full- or part-time student in any degree program, who is physically handicapped. The scholarship may be used for tuition as well as equipment and services for the handicapped student.

Awarding Party: Financial Aid Office

Award Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to physically handicapped students.

Eunice Bounds Memorial Scholarship

Richard Kiddoo was an instructor of accounting at Goldey College. He established the Eunice Bounds Memorial Scholarship in memory of his aunt. This scholarship fund is restricted to residents of the City of Wilmington in Delaware. Preference will be given to minority residents.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Awarding Preference: Preference will be given to minority residents residing in the City of Wilmington.

Gary L. Wirt Scholarship

Established in 2019, through a generous gift from Goldey-Beacom College, The Gary L. Wirt Scholarship was created in honor of his 45-year stellar career and service to the College.

The Board of Trustees and the entire College community recognize his outstanding accomplishments including the establishment of its hallmark Doctor of Business Administration program. The College would not be where it is today without his expert guidance and steady leadership. President Wirt has served as a faculty member, dean, vice president, and president.

Known for his kindness and loyalty to friends, students and employees, his bright smile, sense of humor, and great stories always brought everyone to laughter.

This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the psychology program or a closely-related field. The recipient must demonstrate leadership qualities and a strong commitment to the field as exemplified by Dr. Wirt’s lifelong commitment to education.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

George D. Hanby Memorial Scholarship

Ray A. and Mildred Hanby Thompson established this scholarship in December 1988 in memory of Mrs. Thompson’s father, George D. Hanby, a Beacom College graduate. Scholarship recipients must be a graduate of a Delaware public high school.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to graduates of Delaware public high schools.

Gore International Management Scholarship

The Gore International Management Scholarship is awarded to students studying International Business Management.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Student must major in International Business Management.

ICI Presidential Scholarship

A limited number of Presidential Scholarships for tuition are awarded to undergraduate students entering any baccalaureate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

James E Yiaski CPA Memorial

Established in 2018, the James E. Yiaski CPA Memorial Scholarship Fund was created to honor GBC Alumnus James E. Yiaski. Jim graduated from the College in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, earned his CPA in 1988, was employed for 32 years at Maillie, and remained a long-time friend of the College.

Always known for his loyalty, kindness and strong sense of giving back to the community, this scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who exemplifies these wonderful characteristics. The recipient must also be a full-time student in the BS Accounting degree program with a GPA of 2.8 or better.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

J. Bayard Cloud Scholarship

The Ninth Ward Savings and Loan Association in 1990 established this scholarship in honor of their chairman and retired President J. Bayard Cloud. This scholarship is awarded to a full- or part-time student enrolled in any degree program, with preference given to employees or residents of the City of Wilmington.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

J. M. Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship commemorates the remarkable career of Junius “Joe” Clark — his love of students, his commitment to teaching and unconditional mentoring. In his 27 years at Goldey-Beacom College, he continually showed caring, respect, and a deep knowledge of each student. His commitment and  innovation in the classroom earned him the Excellence in Teaching Award as well as the respect of his colleagues.  This endowed scholarship is awarded to a new or returning students in any field of study who has overcome major life challenges and struggled to find their way.  The scholarship is renewable for each year of study if the student remains in good academic standing with the College.   This scholarship is generously funded by the family and friends of Dr. Clark.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

J.P. Morgan/Chase Scholarship

One of the most rewarding corporate relationships over the past decade has been with JPMorgan Chase. JPMorgan Chase established the first financial management internship program at the College, have given financially to support the modernization of the Hirons Library, and help to further the College by hiring many students and alumni. This scholarship is awarded to a Junior who demonstrates scholastic achievement, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. The recipient must also be an active member of the College Community.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

James H. Gilliam, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of James H. Gilliam, Jr., Esq., a Trustee of the College, who retired as Chairman of the Board in June 1992. Scholarship recipients must be a graduate of a Baltimore, MD, high school, preferably Baltimore City College High School.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to Baltimore, MD high school students.

James Julian Scholarship

The James Julian scholarships are endowed through gifts from the professional colleagues of the late James Julian, who founded the Delaware Contractors Association and served as a member of the board of the Delaware River and Bay Authority for more than 25 years. This scholarship is awarded to a full-time, returning student in any baccalaureate degree program. Preference will be given to first-generation college students from Delaware and New Jersey who show the vitality, drive and commitment that characterized the remarkable career of James Julian.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Joanne Warren Scholarship

Created in 2021, the Joanne Warren Scholarship was created to offer encouragement and financial support to a full-time student with high financial need.

This renewable tuition scholarship is awarded to a full-time student in an undergraduate degree program.  The recipient must demonstrate strong academic potential, coupled with considerable financial need.  Students who are athletes (past or present) are ineligible for this scholarship.

The student should demonstrate discipline, drive and commitment to learning, but most important to the donor – the recipient must demonstrate a true sense of gratitude for the opportunity to receive this scholarship each year.

The scholarship is awarded annually to two students at $2,000 each.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Lankford Family Scholarship

Established in 2022, the Lankford Family Scholarship honors the careers of two Lankford alumni: Ronald E. Lankford ‘55 and granddaughter Courtney Lankford Savage ’06.

The Lankford family has long been known for their strong sense of giving back to the community. Following Mr. Lankford’s storied career in business and politics, he has paved the way for the leader of the family’s next generation – his granddaughter Courtney Lankford Savage.

Two $5,000 renewable scholarships will be awarded annually to two full-time, undergraduate students with a GPA of 2.8 or better. The scholarships include use for tuition, residence hall fees and meal plan fees.

The recipients must demonstrate strong academic potential, coupled with considerable financial need. They should demonstrate discipline and commitment to learning exemplified by the leadership of the Lankford family.

Preference will be given to residents of coastal Delaware (Cape Henlopen and Indian River school districts) but may be expanded to Sussex County residents.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Leonard and Martina Quill Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to a new or returning student demonstrating financial need who is planning a career in finance, banking, or accounting.  This award celebrates the remarkable career of Leonard W. Quill, retired President of Wilmington Trust Company, long-time friend of Goldey-Beacom College, and Trustee from 1993 to 2007.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: Preference will be given to Delaware high school students.

Marjorie F. Olazagasti Scholarship

This scholarship award honors a lifetime of commitment to others shown by Marjorie F. Olazagasti. Preference will be given to a student who is a mother or a female student in any degree program who has shown selflessness and personal sacrifice, while balancing the demands of work and life, and demonstrating a commitment to family. The award was established through a gift from the Olazagasti family.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Mark E. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship

The Delaware Chapter of the Administrative Management Society established this scholarship in May 1987 in memory of Mark E. Jenkins, Goldey ’48, president of the Delaware Chapter of AMS in 1957-58. One tuition scholarship of $1,000 per year for up to four years will be awarded as available to an entering freshmen accepted outright into a baccalaureate degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Milton & Hattie Kutz Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1994 by the Milton & Hattie Kutz Foundation.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship.

Mohammad Ilyas Scholarship

Established by the board of trustees in 2015, this endowed scholarship honors the profound impact Dr. Mohammad Ilyas, the 12th president of Goldey-Beacom College, had during his 40 years of service and dedication. This scholarship is awarded to a student with evidence of strong academic potential. Preference will be given to a part-time student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in management degree program.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

Muriel E. Gilman Scholarship

Honoring Muriel E. Gilman’s tireless commitment to family, community and Goldey-Beacom College, the Muriel E. Gilman Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student with demonstrated financial need, with preference given to a Delaware mother juggling the many demands of family, work and school.  Mrs. Gilman was a valued friend and Trustee of the College, joining the Board in 2003 and serving as Chair of the Development Committee and Academic and Student Life Committee.

This $1,000 tuition need-based scholarship is awarded to a full-time nontraditional student entering any Bachelor of Science degree.  To be considered for the scholarship, the candidate must have achieved a 2.75 high school or college cumulative grade point average. The scholarship is not renewable.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.75 or higher cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to full-time non-traditional students.

R. E. Hickman Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2010, the Robert E. Hickman Memorial Scholarship honors the successful business career, skilled craftsmanship and remarkable loyalty of this Class of 1924 Beacom College alumnus.  The scholarship is awarded to a full-time new or returning student in any degree program.  The recipient must demonstrate strong financial need and the commitment to professionalism so evident in the life and career of Robert E. Hickman.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to business majors.

Rebecca Abel Willey Scholarship

Russell W. Willey established this housing scholarship in December 1983 to recognize the contributions his wife, Rebecca Abel Willey, made to Goldey-Beacom College over forty-three years. Mrs. Willey was previously associated with the College as a student, a teacher, and a Vice President and Academic Dean, and is currently a Distinguished Professor Emerita.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Stewart B. Jackson Memorial

A. Raymond Jackson, Beacom ’15, established this scholarship in September 1986 in memory of his son, Stewart B. Jackson, Beacom ’45, a faculty and staff member of Goldey-Beacom College for 36 years and the first Director of Alumni Affairs.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

The Goizueta Foundation Scholars Fund

The Goizueta Foundation Scholarships are awarded to new or returning students in any baccalaureate degree program. Recipients of these awards must show financial need, evidence of academic strength, service to the campus or greater community, and a commitment to business leadership as exemplified by the remarkable career of Roberto C. Goizueta. 

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria:  3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to non-student athletes from Puerto Rico.

The Harry Simeone Family Endowed Scholarship

This annual scholarship is awarded to a graduate of a Delaware high school attending Goldey-Beacom College full-time and majoring in any area of business. The recipient must demonstrate strong financial need and must maintain a 2.5 or greater cumulative grade point average during their course of study. Preference will be given to an individual who has shown commitment to their community through volunteerism or other charitable endeavors. This award is renewable for one year. This award was established to commemorate the remarkable career of Harry Simeone–entrepreneur, builder, developer and philanthropist.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average and a background of volunteerism.

The Hirons Family Scholarship

The Hirons Family Scholarship honors the remarkable lives of J. Wilbur Hirons Class of 1904, Anne Wright Hirons, Eleanor Hirons ’44, and William B. Hirons ’40 and their long-term support and friendship for Goldey-Beacom College. The recipient of this $2,000 scholarship will be enrolled full-time in any of the College’s business degree programs, with preference given to a resident of the State of Delaware. Recipients will show a commitment to learning and to their community which so exemplifies the Hirons family.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

Award Preference: Preference will be given to Delawareans enrolled in a business degree program.

The Jonathan R. Thompson Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a student entering his or her senior year. Preference will be given to Delaware residents majoring in Business Administration.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

The Joseph West Jones Scholars Fund

The $3,000 scholarship is awarded to an entering student in any degree program demonstrating strong financial need, evidence of academic strength and commitment to school or civic activities. Established through a 2005 gift from the Goizueta Foundation, these scholarships honor Joseph West Jones ’32, his remarkable career with The Coca-Cola Company, and his deep commitment to his community. Preference will be given to first-generation students from Kent and Sussex Counties in Delaware.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Student must reside in Kent or Sussex, DE counties.

The Khalil-Midan Scholarship

The late Dr. Hatem Khalil was chairman of the computer & information science department at the university of Delaware. He was a good friend of Goldey-Beacom College, contributing generously of his time as a consultant & advisor to our then fledgling computer science department. This award is granted to a full-time student in a Bachelor of Science degree program who has achieved excellence in the area of information technology.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

The Life Enrichment Foundation Scholarship

Awarded annually to new or transferring students who graduates from regional high schools. Each recipient must show evidence of financial need, strong academic achievement and a demonstrated commitment to spirituality, and place of worship.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Award recipients must display a faith or spiritual commitment.

The Marna C. Whittington Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998, this endowed scholarship honors the remarkable career of Dr. Marna C. Whittington, long-time friend and Trustee of the College. Dr. Whittington has served as Secretary of Finance for the State of Delaware, Vice President of the University of Pennsylvania, and Chief Operating Officer of Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co., a leading international investment firm. Scholarships are awarded annually to undergraduate students.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to female students who show the academic strength, leadership, and the commitment to career excellence exemplified by Dr. Whittington.

The Milton R. Olazagasti Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship award commemorates the remarkable career of Milton R. Olazagasti who played a significant role in building the GBC men’s soccer program during his years of service as head coach. Milton was not only a coach, but a player, referee and trainer of referees, respected throughout the Delaware athletic community. This award goes to a full- or part-time student in any degree program who shows the same commitment to Campus life, sportsmanship, and respectful conduct that characterized the life of coach Olazagasti.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

The Superior Electric Service Company Scholarship

This scholarship is established and funded by Superior Electric Service Company, one of the region’s largest electrical contracting firms, located near Wilmington, Delaware. To be eligible for this scholarship, the student must be from a local regional high school, have a solid academic background, and show commitment to through school or community activities.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: Preference will be given to students who demonstrate involvement in their local community.

V. Edwin Unger Scholarship

V. Edwin Unger, Goldey ’27, established this scholarship fund in December 1990. One tuition scholarship is awarded annually, preferably a freshman from the Delmarva Peninsula, entering any degree program.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 2.5 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preferably a student from the Delmarva Peninsula.

Watson Memorial Scholarship

Herman C. and Carrie E. Watson Memorial Scholarship is a scholarship that is awarded to entering and returning students who are residents of Accomack and Northampton Counties, VA. This scholarship fund was established as a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Watson.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Awarding Criteria: Only eligible to students residing in Accomack and Northampton Counties, Virginia.

W. E. Douglas Scholarship

The W.E. Douglas Scholarship was established as a memorial to the late William E. Douglas, a former President of Goldey-Beacom College. This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student who is enrolled in any degree program.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Note: Honors Day Scholarship

William A. Franta Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship honors a lifetime of achievement and the remarkable career of William A. Franta. As a former Goldey-Beacom College chairman of the board and accomplished DuPont executive, Bill demonstrated a commitment to excellence through his leadership and genuine care for people. He believed that funding should not be a barrier to achieve a college education. This scholarship will be awarded to a high-need, new or returning student who shows high academic potential and maintains a 3.0 or higher GPA in his or her GBC studies.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

William G. Ott Scholarship

William G. Ott, who retired as President of Goldey-Beacom College in 1977, established this scholarship fund in December 1979.

Awarding Party: Scholarship Committee

Awarding Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average.

William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation established this scholarship program in July 1990. Scholarship recipients must be a first-generation college student in their immediate family.

Awarding Party: Admissions Office

Award Criteria: 3.0 or higher high school cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to first-generation college students.

SEED Extension Scholarship

Many Delaware Technical & Community College SEED recipients can continue tuition-free enrollment with our SEED Extension Scholarship. The SEED Extension Scholarship at Goldey-Beacom College is a tuition-only scholarship awarded to students who complete two years at Delaware Technical & Community College’s SEED program and earn an associate degree with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. To learn more about this scholarship opportunity, don’t hesitate to contact the Admissions Office at 302-225-6248 or [email protected].

Athletic Scholarships

As a Division II program, Goldey-Beacom College offers athletic scholarships. Students who wish to qualify for an athletic scholarship must file all federal, state, and college financial aid application forms. The head coach of each team makes initial recommendations to the director of athletics regarding athletic scholarships. Students who wish to explore athletic scholarship opportunities should contact the respective head coach.

Undergraduate Returning Student Scholarships and Grants Application Form

Goldey-Beacom College recognizes the importance in providing a high-quality education at an affordable price. Returning students who are experiencing a financial hardship or other barrier may apply for additional scholarship assistance or grant funding. Returning students who display a financial need may submit a request for additional scholarship or grant funding. There are no guarantees that a student may receive additional scholarship funding. The Financial Aid Office will carefully evaluate all requests and make a final decision on additional scholarship or grant funding. All decisions made by the Financial Aid Office are final. Due to limited funding available, students who are already receiving an annually funded or endowed scholarship may not be eligible for further scholarship assistance.

To submit a funding request, please click on the link below.

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4701 Limestone Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
(302) 998-8814

Goldey-Beacom College is a Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

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