Satisfactory Academic Progress
2024-25 SAP Undergraduate Policy
Annual Review and Definition of Good Standing
Goldey-Beacom College is required by the Department of Education (DOE) under CFR 34 § 668.34 to establish a Standards of Academic Progress Policy (SAP). An annual review of each student’s academic progress will occur at the conclusion of every Spring semester. In order to be considered in good standing, Undergraduate students must:
- Achieve at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA). (This is the College’s requirement for degree conferral at the Undergraduate level).
- Earn at least 75% of the student’s cumulative attempted credits. (This satisfies the maximum timeframe to complete requirement).
Impact of Grading Scale on Academic Progress
In accordance with the College’s Undergraduate grading scale, the following grades are considered passing and add to the student’s earned credits and factor into the student’s cumulative GPA: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, P
In accordance with the College’s Undergraduate grading scale, the following grades are considered not passed and impact the student’s academic record adversely as follows:
- F – Failing grade which results in a negative impact to the student’s cumulative GPA and is considered unearned in the student’s cumulative credit count.
- W/X – Withdrawn grade which results in no impact to the student’s cumulative GPA and is considered unearned in the student’s cumulative credit count.
- I – Incomplete grade which results in no impact to the student’s cumulative GPA and is considered unearned in the student’s cumulative credit count. This grade is subject to change based on reporting by the faculty member to the Registrar’s Office, at which time it impacts the student’s cumulative GPA and credit hour count according to the new grade.
In accordance with the College’s Undergraduate grading scale, courses that are repeated and subsequently passed with a higher final grade remove the original course’s assigned grade from the cumulative GPA and attempted credits.
Outcomes of SAP Review
The following outcomes are possible after the annual review of the student’s academic performance:
- Good Standing – The student has met both the cumulative GPA and cumulative earned credit requirements and is considered in good standing.
- Financial Aid Warning – The student has not met the cumulative GPA and/or earned credit requirements and is placed on Academic Warning. The student is placed on an academic plan that defines the academic expectations of the student in the subsequent semester. Students on Financial Aid Warning are able to receive forms of financial aid assistance, both federally and institutionally.
- Financial Aid Probation – A student on Financial Aid Warning who did not meet the terms of their academic plan and are still not meeting the cumulative GPA and/or earned credit requirements. The student is no longer eligible for any form of financial aid assistance.
Depending on the outcome of each academic year and/or semester, students may shift from one status to another.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility
Students who were placed on Financial Aid Probation are able to regain eligibility for financial aid assistance by petitioning for reinstatement of financial aid through the Financial Aid Office. Once a petition of reinstatement is received by the Financial Aid Office, a review of the student’s academic transcript occurs. If the student is meeting the minimum cumulative GPA and earned credit requirements, the student may regain eligibility under Financial Aid Warning statuses.
2024-25 SAP Graduate Policy
Annual Review and Definition of Good Standing
Goldey-Beacom College is required by the Department of Education (DOE) under CFR 34 § 668.34 to establish a Standards of Academic Progress Policy (SAP). An annual review of each student’s academic progress will occur at the conclusion of every Spring semester. In order to be considered in good standing, Undergraduate students must:
- Achieve at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA). (This is the College’s requirement for degree conferral at the Undergraduate level).
- Earn at least 75% of the student’s cumulative attempted credits. (This satisfies the maximum timeframe to complete requirement).
Impact of Grading Scale on Academic Progress
In accordance with the College’s Graduate grading scale, the following grades are considered passing and add to the student’s earned credits and factor into the student’s cumulative GPA: A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, P
In accordance with the College’s Graduate grading scale, the following grades are considered not passed and impact the student’s academic record adversely as follows:
- F – Failing grade which results in a negative impact to the student’s cumulative GPA and is considered unearned in the student’s cumulative credit count.
- W/X – Withdrawn grade which results in no impact to the student’s cumulative GPA and is considered unearned in the student’s cumulative credit count.
- I – Incomplete grade which results in no impact to the student’s cumulative GPA and is considered unearned in the student’s cumulative credit count. This grade is subject to change based on reporting by the faculty member to the Registrar’s Office, at which time it impacts the student’s cumulative GPA and credit hour count according to the new grade.
In accordance with the College’s Graduate grading scale, courses that are repeated and subsequently passed with a higher final grade remove the original course’s assigned grade from the cumulative GPA and attempted credits.
Outcomes of SAP Review
The following outcomes are possible after the annual review of the student’s academic performance:
- Good Standing – The student has met both the cumulative GPA and cumulative earned credit requirements and is considered in good standing.
- Financial Aid Warning – The student has not met the cumulative GPA and/or earned credit requirements and is placed on Academic Warning. The student is placed on an academic plan that defines the academic expectations of the student in the subsequent semester. Students on Financial Aid Warning are able to receive forms of financial aid assistance, both federally and institutionally.
- Financial Aid Probation – A student on Financial Aid Warning who did not meet the terms of their academic plan and are still not meeting the cumulative GPA and/or earned credit requirements. The student is no longer eligible for any form of financial aid assistance.
Depending on the outcome of each academic year and/or semester, students may shift from one status to another.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility
Students who were placed on Financial Aid Probation are able to regain eligibility for financial aid assistance by petitioning for reinstatement of financial aid through the Financial Aid Office. Once a petition of reinstatement is received by the Financial Aid Office, a review of the student’s academic transcript occurs. If the student is meeting the minimum cumulative GPA and earned credit requirements, the student may regain eligibility under Financial Aid Warning statuses.