Goldey-Beacom College offers a variety of support services at the Academic Excellence Center, such as Peer Tutoring through Knack, professional writing help, and so much more!
Professional Writing Help
is now available on the Knack App!
Goldey-Beacom College has proudly partnered with Knack — a Web and app-based platform enabling Goldey-Beacom students to book course-specific Peer Tutoring. Knack Tutors are fellow GBC students who have previously aced the courses they offer assistance in; tutoring is completely free, and sessions can take place in-person or online.
Visit the Knack website or app and sign in with your student account.
Knack Sign In
For help writing papers at any level—undergraduate and graduate–Goldey-Beacom College’s Professional Writing Tutor–Dr. Bret Shepard–is now on Knack. On the Knack app or web platform, search for “GBC Writing Center Help” to arrange an appointment. Dr. Shepard can assist you with:
To view the dates and times AEC services are available, and to schedule appointments for make-up exams, check out the online AEC Calendar (GBC single sign-on required).
Students can visit the Academic Excellence Center, located in the Hirons Library, to help excel in their courses. Pay a visit to the AEC for:
Faculty seeking to arrange proctored make-up exams in the Academic Excellence Center contact Kevin Hunt, Director of Academic Support Services.
Goldey-Beacom College is a Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Text Telephone/Teletypewriter (TTY) Relay Service: 711 or 800-232-5460 for English or 877-335-7595 for Spanish