As changes in federal governance continue to be announced via Executive Orders and other official communications, Goldey-Beacom College remains steadfast in our commitment to our mission, vision and values especially as they relate to recognizing the dignity and worth of every single student, faculty and staff member in our college community.
Goldey-Beacom College is tracking developments daily and is focused on what those developments might mean for members of the GBC college family. We will comply with relevant laws but will work to minimize disruptions to our work and the learning environment. We are committed to ensuring the success of everyone in our GBC community, just as we have been for the past 139 years.
Should you have a concern, you can share that concern, either anonymously or with your name attached, via our “talk back” system here. Talk Back submissions go directly to the President, who works to get them resolved through the appropriate college channels. GBC is committed to developing and maintaining authentic and consistent relationships with and among all members of our community.
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Complete a free application today.
Goldey-Beacom College is a Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Text Telephone/Teletypewriter (TTY) Relay Service: 711 or 800-232-5460 for English or 877-335-7595 for Spanish