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Alumni Association

The Alumni Association represents over 13,000 living alumni of Goldey-Beacom College. All GBC graduates automatically become a member!  The association acts as a network for alumni to connect with one another, maintain a lifelong relationship with the college, and celebrate our alumni successes!

Leading the Alumni Association is a committed group of alumni volunteers that make up the Board of Directors. They meet quarterly to plan events and activities to support the College, its students, and its mission. In addition to holding fundraising events to raise funds the newly created Angel Fund, the Board honors exemplary graduates through their biennial Distinguished Alumni Gallery Dinner. They also host several networking and family events, Alumni Night at the Blue Rocks and the “GBC Drives for Education” Golf Outing each year.

GBC Alumni Association Pay It Forward Fund

In 2024, the GBC Alumni Association’s Board of Directors created the Pay It Forward Fund: This fund was founded in order to monetarily help current GBC students in emergency situations that would prevent them from attending classes, such as funds for books, car repairs, clothing for interviews, etc. The board will allocate funds based on two categories: Academic needs and Personal needs. Each beneficiary is eligible to receive up to $500 per semester from this fund. Generally, students can only receive awards from this fund once per academic year. However, if there is additional funding available, a student may submit a second award request during the same academic year. This fund reflects the spirit of gratitude and giving, encouraging recipients to express their appreciation through acts of kindness or service, though not as a requirement. We hope to inspire a culture of community support while maintaining the fund’s core purpose of aiding students in financial need.

The members of the Alumni Board fundraise throughout the year to maintain this fund and are thrilled to be able to offer this to GBC students in order for them to Achieve Greater!

Alumni Association Officers & Executive Committee

  • President: Evern D. Ford – ’97
  • Vice President: Danine Huff-Romero – ’04, ’09 MBA, ’22 DBA
  • Secretary: Juana Henao – ’19, MBA ’21
  • Treasurer Roberto Machado – MBA ’98, MBA ’99

Board Members

  • William P. Brady – ’91
  • Neil Douen – ’05
  • Alan Fleetwood – ‘86
  • Amanda Garcia – ‘22
  • Cammay Gray – ’08
  • Bernadine Griffin – ’16, ’17 MA, ’22 MA
  • Ronald Hoggard – ’15, ’16 MBA, ’23 DBA
  • Patrick McRae – ’14, MBA ’15
  • John Moody – ’91
  • Adelaide L. Orsini – ’48
  • Clifford R. (C.J.) Wood, Jr. – ’17
  • Rekha Bharati – ’11 MBA
  • Dr. Cha-Tanya Lankford, LCSW – ’22 DBA
  • Anthony Cuffe – ’24 DBA
  • Kaye Records – ’58 (Honorary Member)
  • Kimberly Maddox Brewington – ‘06

Why Giving Matters

Your donations, large and small, make our tradition of excellence possible. Education is a lifetime gift, and it’s the generous support of alumni and friends that help us propel students into their careers. Donations to the annual fund make an immediate and tangible difference that allows us to educate students who go on to make a different in their communities.

Giving is easy – make your donation today!

Donate Online

Your ongoing support fuels our mission of empowering learners to excel. By making a regular donation, you can provide steady and reliable funding for scholarships, academic programs, and campus improvements. Choose a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation—every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. 

Donate By Check 

To donate by check, make it payable to Goldey-Beacom College and mail it to:

Goldey-Beacom College
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement
4701 Limestone Road
Wilmington, DE 19808 

For specific fund or purpose designations, note it on the memo line or include a brief note.

Planned Giving 

Create a lasting impact at Goldey-Beacom College through planned giving. Options like bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, and retirement assets allow you to support future students while aligning with your financial and philanthropic goals.

Contact our Director of External Affairs, Janine Sorbello to learn more:


Scholarships are a powerful way to support students and help them achieve their academic goals. Contribute to an existing fund or create one in your name or in honor of a loved one.

Contact our Director of External Affairs, Janine Sorbello to learn more:

Upcoming Alumni Events

2025 Drives for Education

Annual Drives for Education Golf Tournament

May 15th @ 12pm

Deerfield Golf Club

For more info and to register, visit

Distinguished Alumni Gallery

The Distinguished Alumni Gallery (DAG) recognizes Goldey-Beacom College alumni for their extraordinary life accomplishments.

You can nominate a fellow Goldey-Beacom graduate for induction into the Distinguished Alumni Gallery, or to be recognized as a Rising Star. A third award, the Presidential Award, is chosen by the Presidents of the College and of the Alumni Board.

Alumni may be nominated throughout the year, and an awards banquet is held every other year to recognize the new inductees.

Inductee Year Inducted Inductee Year Inducted
Ralph J. Adkins ’91 Reverend Donald E. Alford * ’88
Walter W. Anderson * ’82 Roger A. Bain ’08
Louis G. Balbani * ’82 Jill E. Barbon ’87
Malcolm Sidney Barlow * ’84 James G. Barrett * ’90
Darlene Bascome Emery ’82 Norman Burton Baylis * ’85
George T. Beauchamp ’84 E. Sheila Berman ’85
Alfred G. Best, Jr. ’91 Ronald W. Bevan ’82
Charles Biscieglia ’22
Alva T. Blades * ’83 Wilmer Bouchelle * ’82
Ronald L. Bowman ’82 Donald E. Boyer * ’97
Judith Hopkins Briggs ’93 Melvina M. Brown ’07
Robert B. Brown * ’82 Wesley R. Bumpers * ’90
Blaine A. Bunting * ’94 Jane Disharoon Bunting ’98
Donald H. Campbell * ’94 Phyllis F. Campbell ’96
Susan M. Campbell ’87 Crawford J. Carroll * ’86
Terry D. Cieri * ’84 Anne E. Clendaniel * ’83
Bryan S. Colbourn * ’82 Glenn R. Coleman, Jr. * ’82
Richard T. Collins * ’82 Cheris D. Congo ’99
Helen Lee Connor ’05 George Constantinou * ’86
Walter F. Cooling * ’85 Richard S. Cordrey * ’82
Nina A. Corey ’08 Barbara Coulbourn ’82
David B. Craig, Jr. * ’82 Genevieve T. Crampton * ’95
Carleton E. Creadick * ’82 S. Willard Crossan, III ’82
Ronald P. Crouch * ’83 Arthur J. Curley * ’84
Thomas P. DeLucia * ’83 M. Faye Hall Dempsey ’91
Charles H. Dennison * ’85 Richard H. Derrickson * ’89
Chester T. Dickerson * ’82 John A. Dillman * ’99
Joseph D. DiSabatino * ’87 Dorothy G. Downs * ’94
Carol M. Drummond ’97 Katherine B. Eastburn * ’94
Ira T. Ellis * ’82 Charles B. Emory ’93
Arthur L. Endy, Jr. * ’84 William S. Farlow * ’85
William J. Farrell, II ’98 Carolyn J. Fausnaugh ’82
Samuel R. Folsom * ’86 Evern D. Ford ’02
William E. Foster * ’82 Sheila F. Friedman * ’86
Carolyn M. Frost * ’89 Richard E. Funke * ’91
Vincent A. Gambacorta ’87 Patricia F. Genzel ’95
Christina M. Goodell ’94 John S. Gooding ’89
Fred Graef * ’83 Clara Graham-Elliott ’88
Robbin W. Gray ’89 Anthony A. Guthrie ’85
Avery W. Hall * ’88 Carol A. Haltaman ’89
Frank A. Hames * ’87 Benjamin F. Harrington, Jr. * ’91
Michael J. Harrington ’09 E. Thomas Harvey, Jr. * ’86
Norman H. Hasson, Jr. * ’84 Donald L. Henry ’83
Curtis J. Hickman ’92 Lemuel H. Hickman * ’82
Robert E. Hickman * ’90 Ralph E. Hicks * ’85
Eleanor L. R. Hirons * ’87 Fred McWhorter Hirons * ’87
J. Wilbur Hirons * ’87 William B. Hirons * ’82
Lisa Hower ’19 Hugo A. Immediato, Sr. * ’90
Edith N. Incababian * ’82 A. Raymond Jackson * ’87
Stewart B. Jackson * ’87 Truitt W. Jefferson* ’00
R. Jeffrey Johnson ’92
John Hales Jones ’84 Joseph West Jones * ’82
Virginia Karablacas * ’13 Julia Katz ’12
Sara Simmers Keller * ’82 Harry W. Kelly * ’85
Vernon W. Kerr * ’82 Jerry King ’07
Paul C. King, Jr. ’84 James E. Kitchen * ’82
Joseph F. Kline ’88 Alan Cunningham Knight * ’83
Francis M. Lally, III * ’92 William G. Lambden * ’95
Nancy Olson Landskroener * ’86 Otto Karl Lange * ’86
Ronald E. Lankford ’85 Francis A. Lazarczyk, Jr. * ’83
George N. Leathrum ’86 Thomas S. Lodge * ’85
Earl H. Loomis * ’83 Jesse A. Loven * ’83
Paul W. Lukens * ’82 Donald J. Lynch * ’82
Marple H. Lynch * ’84 William E. Lyons, Sr. * ’83
John B. Malarkey * ’85 Erika Marsillac ’15
Francis J. Masley * ’10 Gerald T. Mason ’83
William H. Master ’82 Laura Matar ’19
Jacquelyn M. Matthews * ’93
Thomas R. McVey * ’83 John McVey Mervine * ’82
Dennis L. Michel ’17 David M. Miller ’00
John R. Miller * ’82 King Barnes Miller * ’84
Ralph L. Minker * ’82 Abele Minutella * ’83
R. Clayton Mitchell, Jr * ’85 Margaret J. Moore * ’94
Larry M. Morris ’83 Ronald A. Morris ’06
William Orlando Murray * ’83 William M. Neighbors * ’85
Harry W. Nock * ’85 Mark R. Olazagasti ’06
Adelaide L. Orsini ’82 Harold T. Oswald * ’83
William G. Ott * ’82 Charles Terry Outten * ’83
E. Roy Owens * ’82 Joan V. Panik ’17
John J. Patterson, III ’04 Charles L. Peck, Jr. * ’88
Robert Joseph Perrone ’90 Warren E. Perry, Sr. * ’85
Sally D. Lewis Petze ’83 Michelle R. Pinder ’96
Stewart E. Poole * ’82 Priscilla B. Rakestraw ’01
Marcia V. Raniere ’82 Kaye Hughes Records ’96
Roger R. Reed ’05 Laurence H. Rembold * ’83
Richard R. Roberts * ’83 Adelmo Romagnoli * ’83
Rudolph E. Rubini * ’88 Henry A. Samsel * ’86
Kristine M. Santomauro ’11 Dorothy Jones Sapp * ’93
James A. Satterfield ’89 Ray A. Sayers * ’88
Paula S. Kusmer-Schneider ’83 Jason Scott ’10
James H. Sears * ’82 David Serge ’13
P. Thomas Simpers, Jr. ’92 Richard Sincock * ’82
Judy Aherns Smith * ’04 Robert G. Smith ’87
Catherine M. Sotiridy ’92 Terry R. Spence ’87
Emidio F. Stellini * ’99 Carol J. Stevens ’97
Thomas J. Stone ’95 William J. Storey * ’82
Malcom J. Styer ’96 J. Edward Taylor * ’85
Robert E. Taylor ’02 George E. Thompson * ’82
Jean B. Thompson * ’83 J. Herbert Tobin * ’88
Sherman W. Tribbitt * ’82 G. Albert Turner ’90
Bernard Tynes ’22
Michelle Lloyd Ulrich-Thomas ’87 Harold W. Unruh * ’86
Roger E. Vandegrift, II ’92 Qadir A. Wahid ’11
Michael P. Walsh ’84 James Richard Ward * ’84
Ellenor Roberts Wharry * ’83 James A. Whisman, Jr. ’86
Terry L. Wiley ’09 Gerald W. Wilgus ’84
Rebecca Abel Willey * ’82 Russell W. Willey * ’86
Carlisle M. Williams * ’93 Thomas G. Wintermantel ’01
Elaine G. Woerner ’86 D. Jeannie Wood ’86
Cathy Stauffer Wozniak ’12 Carl E. Zlock ’85
Charles R. Zucal * ’82 Marwa Zakharia ’06 ’24
* – Deceased

Rising Star Recipients

The Rising Star Award was established in 1997 and is presented each year at the Distinguished Alumni Gallery Dinner. This award is given to an outstanding graduate of GBC (age 40 or under) who has excelled in both their professional and community related activities.

William P. Brady, Esquire ’07 John T. Carroll ’17
W. Michael Cleary ’01 Jennifer Patone Cook, Esquire ’09
Neil Douen ’19 Glenn S. Duckworth ’97
Christopher S. Duvilla ’10 Caroline H. Dickerson ’99
Timothy J. MacMillan, Esquire ’04 Mark R. Olazagasti ’98
Mark A. Oller ’00 Joan Verbonitz Panik ’05
Archie T. Payne, III ’02 Julien P. Perret ’11
Christine Rich ’22 Linda Kurtz Risk ’13
Luis O. Santiago ’15 Marcia D. Wood, CPA ’06
Carla Lee ’19, ’20 ’24

Presidential Award Recipients

The Presidential Award was established in 2022 and is presented bi-annually at the Distinguished Alumni Gallery event. This award is given to an alumnus who has demonstrated outstanding service and dedication to the education of others in business.

Adelaide Orsini ’22
Calvin St. Juste ’02 ’24

2024 Winners

Carla Lee

2024 Rising Star
Carla Lee ’19, ’20

Marwa Zakharia

2024 DAG Inductee
Marwa Zakharia ’06

Calvin St. Juste

2024 Presidential Award
Calvin St. Juste ’02

Stay Gold Campaign

Many of you may recall the iconic pop culture phrase “stay gold” from the 1980’s. It is derived from the motion picture based upon the novel “The Outsiders”, written by author S.E. Hinton. In the novel and the movie, the phrase ‘stay gold’ serves as a reminder to cling tightly to that hour when you were at your finest, your purest, your best. Each Distinguished Alumni story is a fundamental piece of our legacy that we will seek to preserve and share for many decades to come.

In 2021, the GBC Alumni Association launched the Stay Gold Campaign, an initiative to honor and preserve the legacies of GBC’s distinguished men and women. Its mission was to dramatically update the appearance of the gallery by transforming it into a digital design that many future generations of Bolts can access easily and appreciate. In addition, the Alumni Association moved the location of the gallery to a much more central location- the main wall of the Event Center lobby where it will have prime visibility.  All are welcome to visit the display!

Meet GBC’s Alumni Coordinater!

Amy Diamond

Events and Alumni Engagement Coordinator

[email protected]

Hello fellow GBC Alum! I graduated from GBC with my Bachelor’s in Marketing Management in 2006, then in 2010 with my Master’s in Management degree. After volunteering on the Alumni Association Board of Directors for 4 years, I made the transition to work for GBC full time in May 2022, and I love it here! GBC has so much to offer students, alumni, and the community. My goal is to bring alumni together to support our amazing alma mater not just financially, but in the way that we talk about and engage with others. My attendance at Goldey-Beacom changed my life, and I know I am not alone! I’d love to hear your story and how GBC affected you-please contact me anytime!

Goldey Beacom Logo
4701 Limestone Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
(302) 998-8814

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